Monday, April 28, 2003

From the Feminist Majority

As the Senate returns next week, the confirmation of judicial appointments
will be back on the top of their agenda. The Senate is scheduled to vote
on Tuesday on the nomination of Jeffrey Sutton to the Sixth Circuit Court
of Appeals. Thursday they are scheduled to vote on Priscilla Owen for the
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Three weeks ago you to sent messages asking Senators to oppose their
nominations. Your Senators now need to be contacted and specifically asked
to support extended debate and a "no" vote on Sutton – and – to support a
filibuster of Owen. Democrats need your support for their continued
efforts to block Bush's court packing efforts.

Email Your Senators:

About Jeffrey Sutton
Sutton is opposed by more than 400 nonpartisan disability, civil
rights, women's rights, environmental, labor and other groups. As a strong
supporter of states'rights, Sutton has worked to limit Congress' ability
to protect the civil and constitutional rights of citizens. Throughout
his legal career, Sutton has especially focused his attention on limiting
the rights of people with disabilities. He also has worked to limit
Congress' ability to protect the environment and successfully argued
against a provision of the Violence Against Women Act that allowed women
to sue their attackers in federal court.

Take Action:

About Priscilla Owen
Owen's record is that of a right-wing ideologue with views so
extreme that even the other Republican Justices on the Texas State Supreme
Court disagree with her. Owen's presence on the Fifth Circuit will
undermine women's right to abortion. Her opinions as a Texas State
Supreme Court Justice show that she is hostile to abortion rights, will
support lawmakers' attempts to limit women's access to abortion, and will
create obstacles not even considered by lawmakers in order to make it more
difficult for a woman to have a safe, legal abortion.

Take Action:

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Wednesday, April 16, 2003

You know the quote -- "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." But, these days, woe betide the one who tries to examine history and learn from it. Here's one who tried -- and was fired.
Who Needs The Bill of Rights?.
Here's a big surprise. Hatch is trying to go back on the deal to review the "Patriot Act" (read-- the Give Up All The Rights and Liberties Patriots Fought and Died For Act) This stuff is scary -- scarier still is the way we go along with it.,1,1346473.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Doped%2Dmanual

More from the Feminist Majority

Apr 4 2003 - Senate Calls For Independent Review of Air Force Academy Rape

Keep Your Eye On The Money

More Prayers for Peace

Prayers for Peace, in Time of War...

Monday, April 14, 2003

George McGovern's excellent analysis of the current US administration (in The Nation)

The people who push the "partial-birth" abortion bans fall into one of two categories -- the liars and the ignorant. Check The Nation for more

Saturday, April 12, 2003

More from today's NYT
"It's untidy. And freedom's untidy. And free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things."
- DONALD H. RUMSFELD, the defense secretary, on lawlessness in Iraq.

How feeble is this?! We overthrow the government and then act as if the anarchy that follows has nothing to do with us.
This isn't hard -- we overthrew the government, we are responsible for maintaining order until some form of government can be restored. Is the entire administration utterly morally bankrupt? This sounds like a 6 year old -- she dropped it, it's not my fault (even if I did trip her).

From today's NYT

War and Peace: Anarchy in the Streets
The images of smiling children and cheering crowds in Iraq
have been overtaken by a new, much more disturbing portrait
of anarchy and fear.

I have two fears -- that people's thinking isn't any clearer than their grammar and that their morals aren't any better than their manners.